Always, Katie: It's the Little Things

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's the Little Things

Quick post today! I got a new pair of jammies at Kohl's on clearance (+ an additional 30%, oh yeahh)... the pants were about $4.  THRILLED! Love jammies... the housewife's uniform :-)  They're capri length, my favorite color, and have butterflies.  Doesn't get much better than that.

But wait.  It DOES get better!

The little pocket on my left leg... is perfect for my insulin pump!  I don't have to worry about trying to make it stay put in a waistband or making sure I have it when I stand up, etc. I know some diabetics sew pockets in clothes for their pumps, but, um, I'm lazy. My crazy-cheap pj pants are now one of my awesome-est articles of clothing!!!

What little thing has made your day lately?


PS: If you ever want to bemuse your husband, ask him to take a picture of your jammie pants--just the pants, don't get my icky hair in there. :-) Of course, he totally got it when I told him why... must be starting to get used to his eccentric bride ;-)


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