Today was "Make Your Bed Day"... so I actually did. :-)
I wanted to share another peek at our bedroom in honor of this most special holiday... we are really pleased with how cozy it is turning out to be, and we only have a few more tiny projects we want to do and purchases we want to make to have it exactly the way we want it :-) (Check out our secondhand and repurposed nightstands, if you missed it!) Hopefully we'll get those knocked out soon, and I can show the whole room, but for now, let's talk bedding!
We decided to go all white for our linens, because bleach is amazing. We're thinking of kids and small dogs who throw up, tinkle, who-knows-what-else in inopportune places... and the idea of throwing everything in a super-hot washer with bunches of bleach, without worrying about fading or spots... priceless!
We have two sets of sheets - one is microfiber, and we like it in the winter time, because these sheets don't get cool spots in them. They're warm and cozy as soon as you slip into them, and stay that way no matter where your little toesies wander overnight :-) I got the microfiber set from NoMoreRack for Ethan for our 4th anniversary (even before we had the bed... or the house... or the job... it was a gift of hope and confidence!). It even came with 4 pillowcases instead of 2 - YAY!
The other set is this set from JCPenney - 500tc, and delightfully crisp and cool. They've been washed and bleached a lot, and have held up beautifully :-) Clean sheet night (and even better - clean sheet MORNING) in these babies is bliss!
Then, we have a fluffy microplush blanket that I LOVE! I had a blanket out of this material on my college bed, and may have a mild addiction to all things microplush and snuggly. :-) And that blanket from college is still in circulation... currently across my lap :-) This is ever-so-slightly off-white, but it's pretty close. And like everything else, it's been washed and bleached a few times, so it'll be white before we know it ;-)
This is our comforter, which we've covered with this duvet cover. Both are from Target, like the blanket. We've been really pleased with all of our Target bedding!! The comforter is warm without being too heavy... I like to be warm, but too much weight from covers makes me feel a little like I'm smothering. The duvet cover came with 2 matching shams... I want our bed someday to be almost covered in snuggly blue and white pillows of different shapes and patterns, and these give us a great backdrop for that look. The blue and white shams came from eBay - pulling the blue and white toile theme onto the bed. :-) The bedskirt is from JCP recently... I can't speak much to its quality, since it's so new and hasn't been washed or messed with much yet, but so far... it covers our box spring, so I'm satsified :-)
How about you? Did you make your bed today? Or are you like me - actually making the bed calls for pictures and a blog post ;-)

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