I am really excited about this next auction item! Teresa, of Teresa's Canvas Creations, is the sister-in-law of one of my favorite people EVER! And she is donating a really neat item to our IVF Fundraiser auction.
She paints these really cool canvases, then embellishes them with glitter and sequins and other fun stuff! Art after my own heart! Check out some of my favorite samples of her work:
Notice I'm not posting a picture of a specific item that she's donating...? It's because she is donating a CUSTOM 11x14 canvas creation!! The winning bidder gets to help create a canvas that will be perfectly suited to them! What would you get for yours? A favorite quote? Something to match kid's room decor? A sports-themed canvas? I'm confident that Teresa and the winning bidder will come up with something fabulous :-) Check out her Pinterest board for more examples of her work, and maybe scour Pinterest for inspiration for what you'll have Teresa make for you if you win this item! :-)

Hey! I know her!