We have had a weekend of driving, driving, driving. And some panic, panic, panic.
Hubby got out of open house at school at 8pm on Thursday... I picked him up and we drove 8 hours to Lynchburg, VA for him to take a class. He went to class for 4 hours yesterday, and 8 today. So, the little things that have made me smile this week are the little (and not so little) blessings that have made our hectic, stressful weekend a little bit easier.
First... I made snickerdoodles. A few for us for road food, and a few dozen for a friend I got to hang out with last night while Ethan was in class! So, this picture represents the yummy cookies, and the girl-time :-)
I had a "go bag" of toiletries ready a month ago... travel sizes of everything we were going to need, including a pill sorter of my meds, a vial of insulin and a bunch of pump supplies. And I left it at home. Our hotel had a few things on hand, and these little things were such a nice gesture. I know we MORE than paid for them when we paid for the room, but it was still just... nice.
Is there anything better at the end of a long car ride than a set of crisp, cool sheets waiting for you?
We also, after phone calls to insurance, CVS, and my doctor's office... and a panic at the pharmacy... managed to get some insulin. But not just some insulin--a three-month supply. It's way too early to refill, but the insurance overrode the rule... and we didn't have to pay an exorbitant amount for a single vial. Since I don't have supplies to refill my pump, I'm letting it run the basal (I had plenty for that, just not to cover any food or highs), and taking all of my boluses by syringe. Kicking it old skool, yo!
I had to check us out of the hotel while Ethan was still in class... so Charley and I are hanging around Lynchburg in our air-conditioned rental car. This face always makes me smile :-)
And last, but not least... free Wi-Fi at McDonald's! That's where I'm writing this--in the parking lot, with the puppy and a big cup of Diet Coke! And it's a beautiful day (but HOT), and I get to pick up my darling husband in about an hour and a half!

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