My new friend Jackie, of My (Sort of) Adult Life, nominated me to answer a few "getting to know you" type questions in the Four Facts survey :-) Reminds me of the old MySpace surveys (remember?), so yay for a throwback!
Four names people call me other than my real name:
- Kat - sometimes my sister, mostly me when I'm scolding myself. As in, "Get it together, Kat." No clue why I don't just call myself Katie!
- Momma Bear - Ethan and I have taken to calling each other Momma Bear and Papa Bear lately :-)
- Sweetie - (also: honey, sometimes baby)
- Aunt Katie - literally the only other thing I can think of that people call me. I've never really had nicknames!! Anyone want to give me one? ;-)
Four jobs I've had:
- Substitute teacher - from 6th grade through high school, for several districts. Loved it!
- Jewelry instructor - at a national craft store chain... loved teaching, was not a fan of the whole corporate thing...
- Security officer - at an all-but-dead mall in my hometown. I usually worked the Saturday night-into-Sunday morning midnight shift. Most people looked at 5'3" me in my uniform and tall trooper hat and laughed.
- Candy Striper - yeah, this was volunteer, but it was hands down the best "job" ever! I did it for five years, and made sooo many great friends and a ton of great memories.
Four movies I've watched more than once (I tend to rewatch a LOT of movies, so these are some of my most-watched):
- Star Wars. (The six oldest ones, anyway). My dad got me hooked when I was little, and I watched the old trilogy enough to memorize them... then the prequels came out... memorized those, too. Then I met Ethan, and finished a quote he started over a meal he'd made me... made him fall in love with me right then and there ;-) Star Wars has been good to me ;-)
- Legally Blonde - whoever said orange is the new pink, was SERIOUSLY disturbed.
- Miss Congeniality - S.I.N.G!
- Mamma Mia - This movie is seriously my insta-happy! Like Wellbutrin in video form ;-) And Meryl Streep is the bomb!
Four books (or authors) I'd recommend:
- The Princess by Lori Wick - Just a sweet, feel-good Christian romance novel... not even super-unique, but it's one of my favorites :-)
- Just about anything by Philippa Gregory - I love historical fiction from the Tudor period :-)
- The Witness Wore Red - Women who find the strength to escape toxic or dangerous situations are awesome.
- Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland - ditto above ;-)
Four places I've lived:
- Middletown, OH - hometown.
- Oxford, OH - college town (Love and Honor!)
- Carlisle, OH - newlywed town
- Anderson, SC - brief (1.5 year) adventure for Ethan's job before coming home!
Four places I've visited:
- BarBABYdos - plenty of details on this blog ;-)
- Gatlinburg/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge, TN - Ethan's side's favorite vacation spot
- Mediterranean - Nice, Cannes, Rome, Vatican City, Florence, Pisa, Sorrento, Amalfi, Naples... on our honeymoon.
- Paris, France - 3 day "layover" on our way home from our honeymoon. (Included a day trip to Normandy and the D-Day beaches!)
Four things I'd rather be doing right now: (Honestly... nothing... I'm playing around online, blogging, watching a movie, hanging out with my wonderful husband, and eating. I'm fairly content at the moment! So... four of my other favorite things to do...)
- Driving back roads with the windows down and Reba or Garth turned up!
- Baking
- Getting a massage
- Sleeping
Four things I prefer not to eat:
- Pickles - I may be the only mother in the world who made through an entire pregnancy without eating or wanting a single pickle.
- Mustard
- Onions
- Peppers
Four of my FAVORITE foods:
- Bacon cheeseburger
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Mashed potatoes
- Sour/fruity candy
Four TV shows I watch:
- The Big Bang Theory
- Brooklyn-99
- You, Me, and the Apocalypse
- Jane the Virgin
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
- Abbie's and Sam's first birthday! And all the exciting planning that goes along with it!
- My first 29th birthday ;-)
- Hopefully meeting my bloggy bestie in person and getting a biggggg hug!
- My other bestie hopefully visiting this summer?
Four things I'm always saying:
- "People are crazy." - Am I right?
- "Ow." - I'm a hopeless klutz ;-)
- "Dude." - Because sometimes, that's all you CAN say.
- "They're so YUMMY!" - My kids are delicious.
Four bloggers I tag to do this:
- Rebecca at Caravan Sonnet
- Beth at The Beth Chronicles (Dude. You haven't blogged in, like, a year. Do it.)
- Lauren at 34 Magnolia Street
- Christina at Laughter Without Fear

Haha you're Legally Blonde quote made me laugh out loud! Love that movie. So great to get to know more about you :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tag and for dropping by, Jackie! This was fun and I'm glad I got to read yours and learn a little about you, too :-)