Always, Katie: The Cure for Homesickness

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Cure for Homesickness

Just a quick entry today, to brag that I have the best best friend in the world.  There's this bakery in my hometown that makes LEGENDARY doughnuts, and I got a doozy of a craving for them last week... the day after my ruptured cyst.  Alas, this bakery is 8 hours away now, and my poor ovary would probably have mutinied if I'd tried to drive up there.  But I was soooo tempted!

And then, I get a notification that a package is waiting for me at the apartment offices... we picked it up right after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and... look what I found!!!!

My best friend got my two favorite flavors... boxed 'em up, and sent them to SC.  And they got here at JUST the right time to remind me that even though I'm lonely here (having not met anyone)... I'm loved.  

It's a good feeling.  I'll have a doughnut to that!


1 comment :

  1. That is so wonderful. Truthfully I have entire life.....wanted a best friend. I have some pretty close one, but not a "best." I moved around a lot.....maybe thats it. I don't know. I also wanted to be a part of a group and never was. I was friends with lots of poeple but weekends became lonely times because they all had their groups and I did not. I never fit into a group. Now my group has bcome my family and I am thankful for that! I am not complaining, except to say, that you are pretty lucky to have a "best."


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